MPARTICLE 006f` $D@ 006f` 1U@( 87ZB`, /& A near perfect clone of Space&Invaders. A single player only game&and you may use the joystick or&keyboard. You can define your own keys.& A perfect example of how to write&Amiga games. It runs from the&workbench, multi-tasks, has a pause&key and the ability to define your own&keys. If they could do it in 1987 why&is it that in 1992 all games don't&behave this well? Could it be due to INFO Title :Amoeba Invaders File Number:ReadSoft #4 Category :Game"Publishers :LateNight Developments Corporation Authors :Chris Halsall, Ewan Edwards. Country :Canada Conditions :Freeware Source :FAUG Disk 58 Released :1987 Opinion :70% REQUIREMENTS Drives :1 Memory : meg. COMPATIBILITY A500 wb 1.3.2 :Yes A600 wb 2.05 :Yes Multitasks :Yes Display :NTSC%a certain programming language ported&over from the Atari? OK then - ported&over and enhanced from the Atari?&Anyway, the game plays well although&the sounds are pretty tame. The&keyboard set-up routine is simplicity&itself to use. I would have liked to&have seen a high score table with a&save to disk option but otherwise it's&all you could ever want in a Space Invaders clone. #Amoeba Invaders Review: Page 1 of 2 Index #Amoeba Invaders Review: Page 2 of 2 Reviews Index